
Friday, November 1, 2019

What You Missed: Echoes of Ragnarok V: Photo Edition

All photos by View Staff

The heroes fight their way through the viking forces to get to the portal to Asgard

The first of the secret Asirunes is created on a holy tapestry

Clay elementals ready to attack the adventurers

The heroes start hacking their way through a dense jungle

Mixing flowers and sap to make antitoxins to survive the jungle

Building the first of the divine structures to channel holy energy back to Asgard

Decoding and creating the next Asirune 
A newly forged bone dragon joins the fray in Helheim's Norlundscape battle

Transporting the obelisk that was built to channel holy energy

Heroes create their Aspect Tiles that will help form the new Asir 
Players furiously saw firewood to help keep the encroaching glaciers at bay

The arctic henge is being constructed according to the aurora borealis

The battle in Nivelheim is not going as well as in the other worlds of Norlundscape

Dire bears and wild jotun join the side of the heroes in Jotunheim

Sailing across the ocean in a makeshift boat and contending with sea serpents

Timing the movement of a boat to slip past the dangerous waves

The battle in Nivelheim is reaching its dramatic apex with reinforcements from the other worlds
Cleansing the corrupted tiles so that the god Dio can be reborn as Vivant

The heroes fight clay monstrosities to recapture the energy they've stolen

A shrine is lit during the ritual to create the new Asir, Crow