
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Instant Replay: Huntress Guild Word Smash

Competitive Realms From the Comfort of Your Own Home!

How to Play

Competitors are presented with descriptions of two words or phrases. The correct answer is a "word smash" of the two words/phrases (i.e. the end of the first word/phrase is the same as the beginning of the second word/phrase).

For example:

A single piece of lawn vegetation and an insect known for leaping

Answer: Blade of Grasshopper (Select the black text to see the answer. Answers will also be posted at the bottom of this article.)

Ready? Lay on!

Round 1

A fall event popular among new players and dancers and what a Knight of the Realms wears.

Answer: Black and White Belt              


A high level spell that can keep you alive in most circumstances and the elite soldiers of the god Garm.

Answer: Resist Death Knight               


A long weapon that can be wielding in one hand a a small stout race of humanoid.

Answer: Hand and a Halfling


A spell used to protect oneself from enchanted attacks and a projectile thrown by spellcasters.

Answer: Resist Magic Missile

Round 2

A garment denoting one's nation and a competition of singers and storytellers.

Answer: Tabardic Tournament


A nation in constant conflict with the undead and a useful set of tools for a thief.

Answer: Grimlochpick Set


A basic spell used to mend a fighters protection and armor that can always comes back.

Answer: Repair Armored Cloak


A landmark winter event held in Rhiassa and a combat call when struck while holding a sword.

Answer: Feast of the Leviathand on Weapon

Round 3

The goddess of light and a spell that negates special calls.

Answer: Aurora of Protection


A northern nation whose heraldry features a pair of swords and an hourglass and an automaton made of rock.

Answer: Folkstone Golem


A vendor of goods and what is required to cast Ward: Undead and Ward: Enchanted Beings.

Answer: Merchanting


A type of orb used by seers and fortune tellers and the rank of many nation leaders.

Answer: Crystal Ballord

Answer Key

Round 1

Black and White Belt
Resist Death Knight
Hand and a Halfling
Resist Magic Missile

Round 2

Tabardic Tournament
Grimlochpick Set
Repair Armored Cloak
Feast of the Leviathand on Weapon

Round 3

Aurora of Protection
Folkestone Golem
Crystal Ballord

Editors Note: The View From Valehaven does not take any responsibility for the terrible puns in this article.