
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why I Want to Go-Nedengiving 4: Raising Cans with a Can Do Attitude

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

Nedengiving is this Sunday and I couldn’t be more excited. This has become a must-hit event here at the start of the feasting season and our friends in Neden have really created an environment of fun, revelry, fantastic food, and generous spirit. Such excitement can only be imparted to you in one way: a 3-part Lani-list!

Why should you come to Nedensgiving?

1. To Give: Bring canned goods for a local veteran’s charity and share with those who have shared of themselves. Bring your company and share it with those who want to celebrate with you. Bring some silly and participate in the Neden Carnival. Bring a song, poem, and your thanks and participate in the variety of non-com tournaments that will be present. Bring your mad skillz and tourney it up with your friends. Bring yourself!

2. To Get: Don’t think Neden hasn’t got you covered with some epic prizes for all that you bring! Earn tickets for bringing canned goods and earn them for being an awesome participant in all the fun the day has to offer. You can win some fabulous prizes in the famous Neden auction that will take place (maybe they’ll even have a pumpkin!) You can also win gold at the New Eden casino, or participate in the Stacked Deck Tournament and earn some points.

3. To Eat: Did you really think I was going to leave this one out? Obviously this is gonna be a great feast, and I’m excited to once again work with Naj in the kitchen to bring you a shmorgishborg of fall favorites for you to devour! If you leave this event with an empty stomach, you are doing something seriously wrong.

As a sneak peak, here’s what I’m thinking for the Limerick contest:

There once was a Rhiassan named Gwen,
Who said, “Naj, don’t cook turkey, cook hen!”
Naj said, “Are you crazy, no way!”
So out of the kitchen she stayed--
And the feast was all better again!