
Friday, January 24, 2020

A Letter From the Order of the Magi of the Realms

Dear adventures, heroes, antiheroes, travellers, other denizens of the Realms, and friends,

For those who don't know, the Magi of the Realms are an order dedicated to magic, knowledge, and questing. Its members can be identified by these belts or by our presence on a quest or behind the scenes working magic on the Western Flank.

The Magi have five tenets, giving a type of clarity around the many paths Mages can walk:

1. Seek Knowledge. Ignorance = Death

2. Spread Wisdom. Experience unspoken is lost.

3. Ascertain the Unknown. Life not questioned is wasted.

4. Quest until the last quest is done.

5. Support the role of magic in the Realms.

Cycles are everywhere, and the Magi are no stranger to them. The time has come for new growth once more.

While the Magi do take Apprentices, there is no guarantee that Apprentice will become a Magus. The Order recognizes a new Magus to our ranks when they show themselves to have reached that level. This can be anyone. The new Magi we will be inducting today have all proven themselves. They respect magic in all its forms, and contribute to the Realms both by their uses of magic and their participation in the fantasy aspects of our world. They share their knowledge, with those close to them but also with others who listen. Look to them as teachers and guides in the magical arts.

I would like to extend my warm welcome to our new members, and my apologies for being unable to visit you here today.

Your truly,
Magus Prime Rosetta

The new members:
James Swift
Kara Nithisdottir
Kwido Sedna
Lakomasoi “Lako” Nuntiak