
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Heroes of the Western Flank 2019 Thank You

Rhiassa's mission in recognizing the Heroes of the Western Flank yearly at Feast of the Leviathan is to call attention to the fact that our community is wholly dependent on acts of service from one another. NPCing is one of the most basic and most important aspects of that service and no questing, a staple of our game, could possibly exist without those who come to events purely so that others can benefit from their time and labor. This is why we ask our patrons to fill out a Western Flank survey each year so that we can, in some small way, thank them for their efforts. We would like to recognize the following individuals for having served on the Western Flank throughout 2019 as indicated on the surveys they completed at Feast of the Leviathan XXII.

Aaron Metzger (Rel)
Adrian Cronin (Cronin Barbaria)
Alyssa Lee (Umbra)
Andy Disbrow (Sir Shean)
Arthur Granger (Aiden Penclaw)
Becky Baron (Kovaks)
Benjamin Lacasse (Pilpus Finnigan)
Brookelyn Gingras (Rowan)
Cal Marsden (Syruss)
Chelsea Paige (Sir Senna Sirrion)
Chris Donnelly (Janus Kiltra)
Danielle Guimont (Elizah)
Dave Hayden (Luc-Dubors)
David Rubenstein (Tirvanel)
Devon Power (Aranel tel'Sgiathatch)
Gregory Falconer (Daekara)
Ian Pushee (Bright)
Jacob Ruggiero (Mogar)
James Murphy (Tao Ya Kang)
Janna Oakfellow-Pushee (Iawen Penn)
Joey Chipman (Ruthade)
John Rescigno (Gordon Lightfoot)
Joseph Sims (Rillan)
Justin Boyce (Bjorn Starseeker)
Justin Mitchell (Artair)
Katrina Hull (Rekees)
Kayla Lovern (Wynn)
Kelsey Miranda (Mel)
Kyle Yazinka (Killian)
Liz Butler (Matiya)
Mackenzie Garbos (Rani Valley)
Megan Matulewicz (Kyomi)
Megan Williamson (Cimone)
Melissa Metzger (Aymise)
Michael Zajac (Swoop)
Nataliya Kostenko (Shader Jarlsberg)
Neil Kusleika (Eldritch)
Nicholas Bold (Arthur of the Wyvern College)
Nick Quadrini (Raynor Skyline)
Paul Tilton (Grindin)
Pi Fisher (Alpacasaurus)
Renee Booke (Kindrianna Athame)
Sarah Fournier (Evie)
Sean Finn (Eamon)
Stephen Sanford (Laika en'Naur)
Tim Suitor (James Swift)
Tom Gallagher (Avendar)
Travis Wilcox (Sir Elwin O'Bearikin)