
Friday, February 21, 2020

The Arrival of the BattlePets!

by Jennifer "Isla" Gallagher (photos by View Staff)

At Feast of Creathorne 2020 this past weekend, I was delighted to help the young adventurers that come to Rhiassa Cub Care find and train their BattlePets! BattlePets are special creatures that have elemental abilities and will learn from and protect young children that love them.

First, our young adventurers had to hunt down BattlePet eggs and bring them to the special hatching platform. When they performed the special dancing, it slowly caused the eggs to hatch!

Putting the BattlePets Eggs on the Hatching Platform
Once hatched, each adventurer bonded with a Battlepet. They were delighted with their new friends and set out to name them and give them special name tags!

Young Adventurers Naming Their BattlePets
BattlePets Character Sheets with Names
Once named, the adventurers took to the Battlepet training center to see what element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) their Battlepet took an interest in. They had to assist their BattlePet navigate a fire maze, teach them to fly, jump across boulders, and navigate a sea challenge avoiding octopuses!

BattlePets Training: Going Through the Fire Maze
BattlePets Training: Earth Rock Hopping
BattlePets Training: Flight Training
BattlePets Training: Water Octopus Tag
Once they had completed the training, our brave young heroes diligently worked to increase their BattlePet's abilities by earning power gems through completing challenges. Some of the challenges included painting watercolor portraits of their BattlePet, Building their pet a weapon or a fortress, sculpting a statue of their BattlePet, and creating armor and healing potions for their BattlePets. It was great to see that even if the adventurers didn't want to increase their BattlePet's skills or abilities, all of my young friends really took to bonding with them!

BattlePet Challenges: Building a Bath Tub
BattlePet Challenges: Portrait Painting
BattlePet Challenges: Making Armor
After a peaceful time, the nefarious Team Shadow showed up to challenge our adventurers and their BattlePets!! After a quick dance-off, the Battlepets and the Shadowpets fought valiantly against eachother. The battle was tense, but our young heroes were victorious and ran Team Shadow off.... for now.

Team Shadow Arrives!
Team Shadow and Their BattlePets 
The Dance Off!
The BattlePets Face Off Against Each Other