
Friday, April 10, 2020

Home Questing: Task 3

by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Here is the form to submit your comic:

If you would prefer to send me the image directly rather than uploading itself, please email it to

For Clove’s horror writing contest (for which, you would earn 5 bonus points for entering), the link is available HERE.


Hi all, Janus here.  Welcome to Home Questing #3.  First off I would like to say thank you to all the great verbals I received last week.  A few of them, well ok I’m not going to use them, but I can see them being used.

This week’s task might be slightly more in depth, so let’s just go straight into it.  This task is to make a comic about your character that is at least 4 panels long.  The best comic will win. 

In addition to this, I am going to plug one of the other contests which is running right now.  Clove is running a horror contest at the moment.  Anyone who enters will get 5 bonus points for Home Questing.  The deadline for that is May 1st, and I’ll provide the link for you.

I can’t wait to see you all on the field.
