
Friday, July 31, 2020

Home Questing: The Thirteenth Task Results

By Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Hello, and welcome to the submissions and results for the 13th task.  This week, I asked people to resize an object, and the largest change in size wins. 

First, from Cressida, we received a change that, according to her was done with a magic peacock feather.

Next from Iawen is a submission that sure took a while to increase in size:

And finally, from Janus:

So, having expected people to make objects change size using reality magic, I asked a reality mage for help on this task.  Take it away Rel.

1st place Cressida (5 points): I don't understand why we have so many dangerous feathers in the Realms...  First place goes to Cressida for not only the tremendous growth of her alligator, but also for the tremendous shrinkage of her hopes in keeping this alligator

2nd place (4 points) Iawen: I'm sure Chronos is proud to have contributed to this entry.  Second place goes to Iawen for all the growth Dani has done.  In another 5 years, this will be an easy win for Iawen (unless Dani claims herself first)

3rd place (3 points) Janus: My one hope is this apple eventually made its way into a pie.  Third place goes to Janus for creating a giant apple for what I have to imagine was already a giant appetite
Thanks so much for that insight, Rel.  Now for my view.  These were all fantastic entries.  But for determining what was the “largest” change in size, it’s actually a close one, making this really tough, as the two largest size changes are comparing “longer and thinner” vs “more compact”.  So that leads me to this conclusion:

In 1st place is Cressida (5 points).  The alligator started off small enough that hands were able to encompass it, but grew to a size where I am sure I would not be able to hold it.

Meanwhile, in 2nd place is Iawen (4 points).  Dani started small, but has grown up to a size where I still think I would still be able to pick her up and carry her.

And finally, I have to disqualify Janus.  I have it on good authority that the apple size did not actually change, just that it was moved closer to the observer.  Maybe it would count in fae...but not today.

That brings today’s scores to:

Cressida 10 points.
Iawen 8 points.

I’ll see people next week for a new challenge!