
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

View Special Edition: Emergency EH Meeting and Unofficial Player's Meeting Dates

(The following message was sent to the Realms OOC email list yesterday. It has been reposted here with permission from its author.)


As you are hopefully by now aware, there will be an emergency EH meeting soon to discuss how to react to the small number of events talking place this year.

There has also been a request to add to the agenda a discussion on possible Realms-wide rules for the pandemic, such as mandatory masks or even cancelling all events. So far, fewer than 50% of EHs have reached out to me to express support to add this to the agenda, which is the number needed before it can be discussed at the meeting. If that 50% number is reached at least two weeks prior to the meeting, it'll get added to the agenda. (If it's reached later than that, there'll be another meeting.)

A week before the emergency EH meeting, I'll be hosting an unofficial meeting open to all players, to give players a chance to voice their concerns and suggestions before the EHs meet. This meeting is unofficial, and there will be no binding votes.

The first meeting open to all players will be September 12 starting at 6 PM. The second meeting just for EHs will be September 19 starting at noon. Some more details are on the RealmsNet calendar. These were the first two consecutive weeks without other Realms events taking place, and they also conveniently accommodated the individual requests I received related to scheduling.

As with typical Players' Meetings and Event Holders' Councils, the meetings will end when we get through everything, but RealmsNet asked me for a time, so I picked 4 hours. I'm hoping neither meeting takes that long.

To join the meetings, there are URLs in the RealmsNet event descriptions. A few days before each meeting, I'll email the respective mailing lists with passwords to join the meetings. You should be able to join the meetings via your web browser without needing to install anything.

Yours in service,

Pi Fisher