
Monday, September 21, 2020

View Special Edition: Results from the Emergency Event Holder's Meeting


On Saturday, about 60% of EHs from 2019 and 2020 met to discuss how to move forward with regards to COVID-19.  The resolutions that we voted on have been posted to RealmsNet under the 'Rules' tab.  You can read them here: .

There will be a virtual Players' Meeting and Event Holders' Council in the beginning of 2021.  Anyone who threw an event this year or threw an event and attended 6 events in 2019 will be eligible to vote at the EHC.  At these meetings, we will not be passing any gameplay proposals, such as changes to spells, as we have not yet had any events with the 2020 Omnibus.  However, if there are proposals related to safety, community, or anything other than gameplay, those will be acceptable.

Until then, there are to be no legal Realms events or any in-person gatherings advertised on the Realms calendar.  At the EHC, where we have the authority to edit the Omnibus if we feel the need to do so, we will revisit this topic.

I'll let you know when I pick dates for the PM and EHC.  For now, have a happy new year.

Yours in service,

Pi Fisher