
Friday, October 2, 2020

Home Questing Task 17: Results

by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly 

Hello and welcome to the results of home questing: the 17th task.  This time, we asked people to write a Haiku that was about themselves or their nation.  We got five Haiku received this time, so let's see how people did:

First from Laika en'Naur is this describing his past, his faith and his oaths.

Elven Heritage
Paladin of Light and Hope
Shall do no evil

Next from Cressida is one about Chimeron and it’s leadership.

Rowan leaves lead forth.
A monarch majestic as
the butterfly flies.

Then from Keras comes this Haiku about The Rivvolk.

Sailing dreams and stone,
 save those tainted soul and mind.
Fear the Dragonfly.

Penultimately from DelHemar is his view upon joining Chimeron:

And last, and quite probably least, from Janus is about his subnation Rua Thar Cinn’s heraldry:

The Mountain and Wand:
The two things Janus can draw
Is our heraldry.

So, seeing as I didn’t get a chance to see him when I visited Teng Hua recently, I invited Emperor Lysis to be the judge this week, and I am thrilled at the fact that he accepted.  Take it away Emperor Lysis.

Thank you so much for those very thoughtful words.  I am not nearly as well trained in haiku, but I will do what I can to evaluate them, as they all match the format.  This was actually the toughest round to judge, as only one stood out to me...and that was Januses...and that was cause it had my name in it.  That said, here is what I have decided:

Of course, in 5th place, and then disqualified is Janus.  He tried to use my name to gain favor with the judges which I can’t reward.

Tied in 3rd place is Cressida and Keras.  I loved Cressida’s allusion with both a Monarch and a Butterfly.   And Keras’ makes me want to know more about the Dragonfly.

In 2nd place is Laika en'Naur’s.  Each line stands truly on it’s own, and then blossoms in full when strung together.

And finally in first place is DelHemar’s.  It has a full nature theme that stands on it’s own even though it is about something else entirely.

So, that leads us to the point of the scores for the week.  After a point for participation we have them as:

DelHemar with 11 points,
Laika en'Naur with 9 points,
Keras with 8 points and
Cressida with 6 points.

Stay tuned next week for the next challenge.