
Thursday, October 29, 2020

WYM Black and White 2020

 Black and White has a place of legend within the Realms community. Oldbies will all have a story about it. Whether they talk about picking up blue, passing around oranges, or some rendez vous with death. People tell stories. 

Further more, it’s the sort of event that has so many things going on, its impossible to do everything. It just doesn’t happen. 

But this was the virtual Black and White. So maybe you skipped out because of the notion that it might be watered down. Or lacking in some way. It wasn’t. 

I can’t tell you all the things that went on. You just missed them. There were quests, virtual perhaps, but quests all the same. I took part, in a way, in one that skirted the dreaming. I observed some nerthewells that were trying to really cause a fellow named Jack some trouble. There were ships, and weapons, and maps. It was a confusing dream observation, and I wish I had more to tell you. Honestly I think I spent most of my time observing a man working the engines and fighting off a weird tentacle monster destroying the engines, while also living inside them. Dreams are weird. 

I participated in a council about Jack, the Dreaming, and the Risen Kingdom. We asked important questions, and got cryptic answers. We learned secrets and stories. And we were left to wonder more, like who were the people that we dubbed “the cultists?” and “Why would anyone ever ride the space worm to certain doom?”

There were other quests going on. There was dancing. And an auction for fabulous prizes. Gambling, with various games. I should have done more, I should have joined the games and activities.

I should have done more but I was engaged.  I just parked myself at a table. I parked myself at a table, with some friends, and had a conversation. People came and went, joined the conversation, and left. I learned about unicorn farms, and what sorts of people can be redeemed. And the choices that a King must make for his people. But it was mostly what I needed. To hear my friends, enjoy their company, check in on their trials and tribulations, and just sort be with them. 

Honestly, I’d say that this event set the standard for what a virtual event should be. For what an event should be. And that’s just what I’ve come to expect from Black and White. 

And that is what you missed.

I’ll see you on the field, someday, 

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn