
Friday, November 13, 2020

Home Questing: Task 20 Results!

by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

 Hello, and welcome to Home Questing, the 20th task.  We received 3 submissions this week where people attempted to make the most impressive throw of a piece of paper into a bin.  So, as always, in order of submissions, here they are:

First up is Cressida with what she dubs the “drop it like it’s hot”  maneuver:

Next is DelHemar, let’s see what idea he developed and implemented:

(and the final result is here:

And finally from Janus is this epic throw:

So, for something like this, I was wondering who would be a good person to to ask, and Rekees immediately came to mind for how often her steady hand has solved puzzles have left me in awe...and really, isn’t that dexterity essentially the same as I’m asking for here?  Take it away Rekees.


1st: Cressida (5 points)

Adherence to instructions: Paper to bin, as requested.

Efficiency: 2 seconds to paper disposal, highly efficient.

Coolness factor is at “too cool to look at explosions”

2nd: Janus (4 points)

        Adherence to instructions: Paper to bin, as requested. Some points lost for not recycling.

Efficiency: 20 seconds to paper disposal, fancy magic tricks slow it down a bit.

Coolness factor is “oooo was that maybe some magic levels?”

3rd: DelHemar (3 points)

        Adherence to instructions: Is a photo a piece of paper? Is a pan of liquid a bin? Darn those mages and their “creative interpretations” of the mission.

Efficiency: 76 seconds to paper disposal. Tsk, tsk

    Coolness factor: the surprise development is cool but possibly unrelated to throwing paper.

Thank you so much for that Rekees.  You definitely took more aspects into account than I did (efficiency never even came to mind).  Oh well, I suppose it’s now time for me to reveal my side of things:

In first place (5 points) is DelHemar.  The throw was the most impressive, along with the surprise development that came along at the end.

In second place (4 points) is Cressida.  The throw was unfortunately more of a drop, but knowing paper, I was actually impressed that it managed to land in the pin.

And finally, of course, Janus gets disqualified once again.  It appears that there was no throw, and it was all done via trickery.  Poor form Janus.  Poor form.

That brings the totals for the week as 10 points to Cressida and 9 points to DelHemar.

Since it’s an even week, let’s take a look at the total scores:

DelHemar - 195.5

Cressida - 177

Laika en'Naur - 39

Saka - 22

Iawen - 20

Aeston, Areni, and Gwen - 18.5

Kovaks - 15

Orion - 13

Bart - 19

Vawn - 10

Syruss - 10

Jerrick Jerrickson - 10

Luc-Dubois Coupant - 9

Osa - 8

Keras - 13

Kwido - 6

J'reth - 5

Nalydros - 5

Rosetta - 5

Sagart Hawkshade - 5

Tarun Ul-Sikar - 5

Thayet - 5

Vanduke- 4

King Alexander Cecil - 2.5

Jace - 2

Kara Nithisdottir - 1.5

Thoril - 1.5

It appears that there is a strong race between first and second, as well as 3rd-5th being competitive as well.  As a reminder, there will be a prize for the top 5 finishers, so there is still a chance for next time.