
Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Cry of Midgard Week 1


Hello all. Welcome to a new View from Valehaven feature, The Cry of Midgard.

This game plays like a classic adventure game from the 80's like Zork, Adventureland, and Transylvania. The game presents you with information and you enter commands by typing them in. In this case, you will all be playing it together by typing commands into a Facebook poll and voting on your favorites.

Each week you'll be presented with the next screen in the game as you move around from area to area. You can choose to enter a command into the poll or just vote for commands that someone else entered.

After the poll closes, I will pick up to three of the highest voted commands to execute. These commands cannot directly conflict with one another and I will execute them in the most logical order. For example, if the results of the poll are as follows:

  • 1st place: Go north 
  • 2nd place: Pick up rope
  • 3rd place: Go south
  • 4th place: Investigate tree
  • 5th place: Complain loudly
I would resolve the commands in this order.
  • 1st: Investigate tree (makes more sense to look at things before you do things)
  • 2nd: Pick up rope
  • 3rd: Go north (leaving the screen will normally be the last thing on the list, if it happens at all)
I would ignore the command to "Go south" because it directly conflicts with a command that got more votes than it.

I want to stress that you can attempt to enter command that you like. The command won't always "accomplish" anything (except, perhaps, comedy) but the result will never be "That command doesn't work". Every command will have an effect on the game (I say this now and expect that I will come to regret it).

Anyway, I'll show the results of each executed command and then let you decide what commands to input next. Also there is a status screen I'll show you each week as well.

Okay, enough explanation. You'll figure it out as we go along. Go ahead and hit the space key so we can start a new game.

Well, that handsome fellow is giving you all the exposition you're going to get. What? You were expecting a cut scene? It's the 80's! After listening to the floppy spin in the drive for about ten minutes the first screen of the game finally loads.

Oh, and hitting "i" brings up your Status Screen. Here you go.

Not much to see in there yet, but I expect that to change shortly. Okay, that's the start of the game. Enter or vote for commands on the Facebook poll and we'll see what happens next week. Happy adventuring!