
Friday, June 4, 2021

Home Questing: The Final Task Judging!!

 by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Hello, and welcome to the last judging of “Home Questing.”  This week, we are doing a retrospective where I asked you to do the best reinterpretation of a previous task.  So, let’s take a look at what people came up with.

First, from Cressida is this touching submission:

For Task 30 we were asked to reinterpret a previous task, so I chose Task 28: “Something you are proud of”. I have decided to reinterpret it as “Someone(s) you are proud of”. Over the past year I have seen people across the Realms accomplish so much and I want to tell you some of things I have been observing that I am so proud of you for. I won’t list names to keep you from feeling too embarrassed, but I do want to list the amazing accomplishments and tell you I see you and I am proud of you!

To everyone who had a baby or raised kids this year, I am proud of you!

To everyone who worked on their physical and/or emotional health this year, I am proud of you!

To everyone who crafted and created this year, I am proud of you!

To everyone who moved this year or started a new job, I am proud of you!

To everyone who continued their education or graduated, I am proud of you!

To everyone who brought a new furry friend into their home, I am proud of you!

To everyone who cleaned and organized this year, I am proud of you!

To everyone who showed kindness and love this year, I am proud of you!

And lastly, to all of us in the Realms because we are still together even after all the unpredictability and the stress, the not knowing and the waiting, and the long months of missing each other. I am proud of all of us and I can’t wait to see you all again soon.

And from Janus, we received this more lighthearted interpretation of a “Pickup line”

“Hey baby, are you a troll, cause you managed to grab and lift that boulder with quite some ease.”

Now, I was planning on contacting judges of the previous tasks to ask them to judge them yet again...but the submissions I received didn’t have traditional judges.  In retrospect, I should have seen this possibility coming, but alas...I didn’t.  So, I’ll have to judge this as fairly as I can by myself.

I can’t do anything but give first place to Cressida for this beautiful submission.  It makes me happy just reading it, and giving anything shy of the full 11 points would be a disgrace.

On the flip side, I can’t do anything but disqualify Janus for reinterpreting “pickup line” as “picking up line”.

So...with that said, I need to confirm with a few people about the prize pool, so I’ll release the final results next week, where we will publicly announce the winners and what they have won.