
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Results: Keepsakes for Goodness Sakes

A couple weeks back we asked you if you had any strange or meaningful Realms keepsakes that you... you know, kept. We got a couple of great responses with some awesome history lessons built in:

From Steven Matulewicz:

This is Lady Anne’s favor.  Given to Pyr Thalax Darkwillow at his knighting into Eagle’s Rook in 1992 or 3.  I forget which year. 

The A has a hand sewn stitch made with Lady Anne’s hair placed strand to strand, 25 strands thick.  The hair is still in place and visible in the second picture. 

It is by far the most personal and humbling gift I have ever received. It was and is a symbol of what being a hero should represent 

From Mikey Donnelly:

In this photo are a few different momentos.  On the right is a queen of hearts glad from when I marshalled, and a card from a particularly memorable team grand melee.  Behind it is a relic of a defeated enemy, the iron shade Noir.  Oh the bottom left is the stone bust out Wayland, assembled during the assault on his lair.  And finally, above that is a relic of an eater of magic, the beldam Bois I had personally made my nemesis and prevented people from losing magic to them.

From Jason Rosa:

After the dust settled in Mordor at Summerfest III, though the heroes of the Realms had defeated Sauron, there were certainly prices that we all had to pay in order to do so. Baba of Folkestone had risen to the position of Champion of all Elves of Middle Earth, but his ascent to that title and the burden that he took on himself in order to strike the final blows on the Dark Lord were too much for his moral coil to bear. On that Sunday he boarded the ships off to the Grey Havens and that was the last time most of us would ever see him.

Later that Summer, at Feast of Folkestone, Lady Phoenix presented all of us who were close to Baba with a black rose, to symbolize both our mourning and the Guild of the Black Rose in which he was a prominent member. I wore mine in my hat for a very long time but now it sits preserved in a keepsake box so I can be sure it's never lost or damaged.