
Friday, November 12, 2021

Albums from the Past - Attunement to the Core

Welcome to Albums of the Past, a new occasional series where we look at pictures and information from an event series that took place many years ago. We'd like to invite any event holders from years past to assist us in creating an Albums of the Past article where we take a prolonged look at once of your past events in a lot of detail.

For our first Album of the Past we're going to look at Attunement to the Core. A World of Warcraft themed event throw by Joe "Elwick" Piepiora and his event holding crew, the Adventurers Guild, which consisted of mostly Southerners from a diverse range of groups, but mostly focused around the nation of Tuath Fusach.

The Splash Flyer used to Advertise the Event Electronically

Attunement to the Core diverged a lot from standard Realms rules. It had a HP system, a MP System, other stats that determined damage. You had to yell out how many points of damage you did when you swung your weapon. There were character classes with completely new abilities and statistics. It was a total departure from what anyone had ever done in Realms before. To help explain the rules, Jason Rosa put up a detailed web page to communicate the changes. Below are some screenshots from it.

A big part of WoW, really any MMORPG, is loot. Attunement to the Core had no shortage of item drops that enhanced player abilities, and of course as the event progressed stronger and stronger items were released. Each item had a label on it explaining its abilities. Here are some screen shots of some of the files that had those labels in them. Many were named in honor of old Realms players, nations, or plots.

The event had a LOT of props. The weapons and items above were a small fraction of the loot that was released, and many, many, many new monster masks and costumes needed to be created in order to represent creatures that had never been played at a Realms event before. Since creating oversized creatures was so important to the feel, a lot of the costuming used skeletons of beach balls and pool noodles with cloth draped over them to create giant bodies.

The following pictures of prop making took place in Ashford, CT in April of 2007 with a lot of help from the old Vinehaeven crew. 

Janna happened to be online when I was writing this article and her household still possesses, in great condition, one of the Epic weapons from the event! Nigel's Defender! She was kind enough to send some pictures along!

Finally, this Album from the Past couldn't be complete without some pictures from the event itself. This event took place at the UCONN Arena before it was remodeled so there was no cement floor but rather dirt and wood chips only. This made for some complicated picture-taking in the dark conditions with all the sediment that would fly into the air. But some good pictures were gotten.

A bunch of Core Hounds hanging out

The players lined up to battle, notice Rel the Shaman with his totems and Gryf the Hunter with his trap.

Molten Giants getting ready for a fight.

For the life of me I can't remember what this was supposed to be.

Notice Jason holding up a Hunter's Mark cast by a Ranger to debuff this mob

Rillan was one of the main tanks at the event, constantly using Taunt

Rhode was a big fan of this Paladin Hammer drop

Cain taking the lead fighting Majordomo Executus

Bud stood on an old desk we found in a classroom to play Ragnaros. That hammer was over 8' long.

The questing party, victorious.

We hope you enjoyed this Album from the Past. If you've got an event a decade or more old that you'd like to showcase contact us at the View, we'd love to put something together with you for more articles like this one!