
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Arioch Tales: Ode to Lorelai

By Dan “Baron Diamond” Diamond

G Em

The air is cool and night is coming. 

Am Dm

The calm sea courses its way.


The peak of the mountain dazzles With evening's final ray.

Em Am

The fairest of maidens is sitting Up there, a beauty so fair,


Her golden jewels are shining,


She's combing her golden hair.


She holds a golden comb,


Singing along, as well

Dm Em E

And enthralling us all with a spellbinding melody.

G Em Am

The boatman in his small skiff is seized by a turbulent love 


and no longer marks where the cliff is,  


He looks to the Mountain above. 

Em Am

I think the waves must fling him against the reefs nearby, 

Dm Em E

and that did with her singing the lovely Lorelai...

G Em

Does she think of the hearts left hurting 

Am Dm

and lives left in her wake

G Em

Does she cry for the ones left behind

Am Dm

or is she seeking more lives to take?

Em E Am

no one knows but Lorelai, Lorelai.

Author’s Note: the middle verse was a message left by Captain Orion in runes which I was able to decode at a Market Day in Fae. There I also saw Lorelai herself, and was inspired to put some guitar chords to what Orion had left. Later I did some reading and found Orion's message was an excerpt from a long-existing poem, so that became the first verse. Thinking of the presumed fate of the boatman, I added a third verse of my own.