
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Why I Want to Go- 2021 SMAS Annual Nation’s Faire

 by Renee "Kindrianna" Booke

Tonight, the Realms is in for a treat! If you haven’t heard, the SMAS Annual Nation’s Faire begins today over Zoom, from 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM. Representatives from 10+ nations will be in attendance to give presentations on their countries and homelands, as well as answer audience questions. 

This event is special for many reasons. For starters, it is a fantastic place for newer adventurers to meet people, put faces to names and heraldry, and get information that they may not have the opportunity to ask elsewhere. As some of us well know, things can get a little chaotic in the middle of a quest, and some of us are just plain shy! Secondly, it gives seasoned players a chance to introduce themselves to the newer members of our community and gives them a space to geek out and share the stories, history, and little-known facts of the places they either created or helped to nourish over the years. 

The presentations will be about ten minutes in length and may be either In or Out of Character. So much love goes into these presentations too. In the past, they have touched on almost every aspect of a group, from heraldic symbolism to laws, deities, titled positions, and mission statements. I personally look forward to seeing how proud people are of their nation and what it stands for. There is something magical about hearing it spoken in their own words. Respected leaders in our community strive to create a special place where others feel welcome, and nations are the ultimate reflection of that compassionate and pioneering spirit.

Whether you are looking to join a nation, want to learn more about countries of the Realms, or want to come by and give your support to the presenters, this is an event where all of us can learn something or maybe discover a bit of knowledge that we didn’t know before.

I look forward to seeing you there!

P.S. Here is the Zoom link for those of you hoping to attend
: Opening remarks begin promptly at 7:30 PM.