
Friday, January 21, 2022

An Announcement From the Order of the Lantern

 Order of the Lantern: A place for lore seekers and keepers! 

Hello all! Kersten (OOC)/Ypnn (IC) here wanting to welcome people to a new thing that me and a few others have been working on!

Twice in years past, the Order of the Lantern rose as a place to share wisdom, but due to past circumstances, it got dissolved. Recently, a newbie was made aware of it, and inspired to see if third time’s the charm - that newbie being myself. So, over the past few weeks I have gathered a few closer contacts to discuss this idea, and we are now ready to welcome all lore keepers of the Realms in.

What we are: Lore Keepers - Anyone who works to preserve and share the lore in some way (writers, photographers, cartographers, etc)

Our goals:

History: Ensure history is not lost through documenting current history and digitizing past history.

Information Sources: Improve and add to current information sources, making them more accessible to new lore keepers and adding lore for all to learn.

World-building: Encourage world-building through promoting writing about the lore, and documenting the world of the Realms.

Primary Contacts: Kersten/Ypnn, Sara/Zarine, Pat/Saka 

We communicate through the Discord - Whether you are interested in joining or just seeing what we make, all are welcome in the server! There are channels for both Order members and passerbys!