
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Update on the Stacked Deck

Sitting at the table. Ok, today only play good cards. No crap, no button raises just because, let's make it a day where I am the aggressor with just good cards. Then a few rounds of nothing but bad cards, first to act, Ace six, but it's suited, no, today was about just good cards, they go into the muck. A few rounds later, start wishing I had played that Ace six as just getting more bad hands. Finally play a hand, ten jack in the big blind. No raise lets see a flop. Two, three, four and the little blind comes out with a big bet. Throw some more cards away. A while later, six eight, gaped, not suited, maybe? Nope.

Sometimes when you are running cold you have to just keep playing through it. I kind of feel like that is where we are right now. We have several tournaments on the books. but need more. We have to keep playing through it. We have to keep going.

The current plan is to hold the final table event in about a year. It will include any Realms poker tournaments that have happened since the last final table (including the one that happened at that event). As well as any that will happen in the next year. The rules will continue to be the same. Realms legal event, tournament must be advertised at least 2 weeks in advance, at least eight players, must have a gold buy in. None of the rules have changed.

For selecting the 16 we will use the same rules as we have in the past. The 16 highest point earners throughout the [extended] season. If someone does not want to, or can not make it, the next highest point earner will be invited. For the purpose of ranking if two players both have the same point total, the one who played the most tournaments will be considered ranked higher, if that is also a tie, it goes to the player that most recently earned the most points. (This is statistically unlikely).

If there are not sixteen players that have earned points, then the player who has attended the most tournaments without earning points will be selected.

Quick note about why ranks are important. When we are ready to seat the final table. The player that is ranked highest has their first choice of seat, or they can pass. The choice continues to go down the line until someone choses a seat, or it comes to the last ranked person who must take a seat. Then we repeat as many times as necessary until everybody is seated. Some players want to sit at the end of tables, some players want to be strategic on who they are sitting near.

For the final table each player will receive a bonus 100 chips for each tournament they attended in the year.

And at this point if you are still reading you are probably asking yourself, why now, when the final table is a year off? Well, it’s about players understanding how important it is to earn points, attend tournaments to get the most chips and the seat that fits their playing style.

So, let's keep going. See you at the tables.


Sir Tao Ya Kang

Knight of the Eternal Flame, Blackwood, and Chaos

Duke of Blackwood

Lord of Clontarf

Current Rankings amongst those who hold points:

NameOverall Points