
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Introducing the Rhiassa Tube

Hello all,

I would like to take this opportunity to reveal to the Realms the status of a project that I have been working on for the last couple of months. A custom product I am having manufactured for our community in response to the shrinking availability of pipe insulation foam and also with the hope that it might push our weapon technology forward, at least aesthetically.

Without further preamble, please enjoy this video that I put together that will hopefully explain everything clearly.

There is a spoken error in the video. When talking about the thickness of the foam wall I said 3/8 when I meant to say 5/8. The wall thickness is 5/8 as required by our weapon making guidelines.

I know not everyone has the time or opportunity to watch a video when they are first checking the View for the day. So below is a short collection of the important visuals from the video to help sum up the important points.

The prototype tube, ready to be made into a weapon

A close up of a cross section of the Rhiassa Tube compared to Frost King foam

The CAD file of the cross section of the Rhiassa Tube

The finished prototype sword

As I said in the video, I plan to bring this sword as well as some extra unused foam from the original prototype to all of the events I am going to this spring. Hopefully everyone who is interested in seeing it will get a chance to do so. There are still some things to work out with the manufacturer including costs, shipping, quantities, and supply chain issues, but I hope to be able to make the Rhiassa Tube widely available to the Realms this coming summer.

In service,
Jason "Aeston" Rosa