
Friday, March 11, 2022

Rumors for March 1022

((If you wish to follow up on any of these rumors, please let me know and I will direct you to the appropriate marshal))


A peddler caravan arrived in Gryphon Hall in Chimeron having come through Darkvale. Merchants resting in the taverns were heard telling that normally the occupying Aspis army are barely interested in their wares but this time were very eager to stock up on provisions. Especially new weapons.


Construction site northeast of Chimeron City: laborers have been focused on the river port area for the past several weeks; as a result a small but bustling settlement has developed around the docks. More roadways are being paved and more permanent structures are being constructed northwest of the port. To the south, a cluster of long halls are going up; from the peak of each wooden skeleton flies a long green banner divided lengthwise by a blue stripe.


A small explosion of cleaning was heard from Clontarf Castle. Lots of yelling about dust, and clearing off tables. Someone was heard to yell something about “four weeks! Are you crazy?”  Meanwhile many in the area heard a mysterious female voice say something about betting on Red, the Jynx, the Triple, and many other unknown terms, but it always trails off before a person can be seen.


At the same time in Nagina: unusual activity around the bacon mine. A foreman was heard to say they have not been this busy in years. Something about having big shipments due in less than a month.