
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Why I Want To Go: Tournaments of Artemis

The energy of a good fight could easily be my favorite part of the game. It gets me into my flow state, where the world opens up for my understanding. All the pieces come together for me, and it’s a sort of real world magic that I wish everyone could experience. 

For me that’s why events like Tournaments of Artemis are so important. They  create a way for people to get access to that experience. For me it’s about giving that magic to the community, and I love that. 

Tournaments of Artemis, in the past an event about small team tournaments dedicated to spotlighting the women in our community, is changing up the format a little bit, and turning towards war tournaments. I think this is a smart shift because it will give more options for people to showcase their talents on the field. Also, I love a good war tournament, and I know that for many people it will have been years since they were able to fight in one. 

People coming to the event will get the option to participate as a fighter for the day whether they are a caster or not. And for our friends new to the game, they may also do this while learning spells, so long as they don’t use those spells within the tournaments. I think that’s an important distinction because it will get a lot more people playing while also working towards their goals. 

Honestly I can’t wait. I can’t wait for the moments that will happen, and I get to see them. 

I’ll see you on the field, 

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn