
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Mighty Margaret by Diamond

Mighty Margaret

By Diamond


In Darkvale, Rexan caused many pains

Dm Am 

And heroes were formed from newbies so trained


Ghosts there were, bound in mystic chains. 

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Freed they were, but Rexan’s creature remained. 

                C G E Am

                        You don’t know who’ll win the fight, or what it will take to get it done.

                D G B7 E

                So do your part, no matter what, because the hero can be anyone!


None could beat it, not Tulli nor the next guy.

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And every blow swung facing it came at a terrible cost. 


To face it again, no one else seemed willing to try!

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Then “new” Margaret stepped up, did some damage but lost.

                C G E Am

                        You don’t know who’ll win the fight, or what it will take to get it done.

                D G B7 E

                So do your part, no matter what, because the heroine can be anyone!


As she lay dead, she was bathed in Aurora’s Light

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Aurora’s favor raised her back in to the fight!


Margaret fought hard but it didn’t go well,

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Aurora raised her again and Margaret beat the creature to hell!


Now she carries the scars of this fight on her soul,

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Badges of honor of which bards extol.

                        C G E Am

                        She’s Margaret “the new” no more, I say without regret  

                        D G B7 E

                        Now as she is known to all, she is the Mighty Margaret!


For “Mighty” isn’t being strong with a sword,

Dm Am 

It’s a brave heart, hard work and being true to your word.


So always do the best that you can do,

Dm Am 

And maybe next time I’ll be singing of you!

                        C G E Am

                        Bards sing of heroes, so never forget  

                        D G B7 E

                        Strive to be like the Mighty Margaret!