
Friday, July 8, 2022

Rumors for July 1022

[Across the Realms: South]

A number of small towns south east of Coventry have reported cases in which corpses have spontaneously reanimated while awaiting burial. In all cases the reanimated being was incredibly hostile. Local healers and magistrates are pushing to have all livestock remains burned after butchering and that all citizens who die to be cremated. This process seems to be the only way to safeguard against reanimation.

Additionally in the darkest of nights people have reported feeling that they are being watched and when looking out they see outlines of figures in the darkness.

[Blackwood: Through Portals to a Mysterious Place]

The Viscount Illufium is seeking information regarding the happenings of last years Festival of the Breaking. Especially in regards to the disappearance of Nanoc.


Activity at the construction site northeast of Chimeron City has increased following the Battle for Darkvale as many of the laborers and engineers have returned to work following the war. Those who have not come back east remain in Darkvale to assist with reconstruction efforts there.

[Chimeron: Darkvale]

Among the reconstruction, preparations are being made for the upcoming feast. Lack of farming and prey animals in the area have meant that food for the feast is being imported. 

Refugees have begun returning, but there is still an abundance of available land available for those looking to settle in Darkvale, including offers of fully-built homes that magically survived the Aspis invasion.

[New Verai]

The gates of New Verai have finally been reopened!

This all came as a surprise for those surrounding the small nation as the event was not marked with the usual pomp and celebration.

Messages are being sent out in Prince Nertail's name, yet no one has reported seeing him since the lockdown began in the winter of Realms Year 1020.

Rumors of a resurgence in Asmodeus worship is circulating in the streets. Sha'ri and the Army of the Sisters are actively investigating this as this practice is forbidden in New Verai. 

The Vistani have sent out riders to announce their own return to normal. Food, trinkets, dancing; all will be offered when you see the wagons gathered!