
Friday, July 15, 2022

What you Missed: Feast of Chimeron 27.5

By Dan and Ian Diamond (Baron Diamond, and David the Red)

A fine day brought us back to the newly-liberated and fast-rebuilding land of Darkvale. Brought back in more than one sense: I was struck by memories of adventures 30 years ago. First by the dramatic mountain peak visible on approach, that I’d glimpsed during the Wars for Addison. Then by the turn in the trail where I’d dropped and lost track of my first bow. The looming and famous cliffs of Darkvale themselves, which I’d seen but never quite reached, distracted by frantically trying to restore the soul of Jamal, first of the Barony’s permanent casualties. 

Upon arrival, we were warmly welcomed and immediately the new adventurers among us were off on an introductory quest. The rest of us did not have long to be idle, as a dangerous dust storm swept in, prompting us to fight it back. Still, this was a day of celebration, and there was plenty of chances to socialize, politic, play or eat while those of an active disposition did not have to go far to find things to do. Many of the quests were establishing the infrastructure to enable the many trappings of civilization, slight edges made possible by a more built up environment. For example, Local Ranger Murdoch asked for help. With him we built a 10” tall watch tower on a tree. Basically, a ladder and a standing platform. Murdoch said it would attract battle hardened veterans and well-equipped soldiers. Similarly, later on Ashenmark helped build the forge which was necessary for blacksmith trappings. Gradually, most of these trappings were enabled over the course of the day. 

Not all the expeditions had to do with enabling these trappings. We met with Mick Mickington, an agent for the Happy Monster Mining Company. He asked us to rendezvous with and escort Reginald the Geologist/Prospector. We did so, following his advice to stay on the trail, avoiding early conflict with the local goblins. Reginald had an unusual bit of magic: if slain, he did not stay to be raised but reappeared at magical circles/portals which he could deploy. Once this was necessary, as we failed to block a boulder hurled down the cliff at him. He pronounced that the cliffs had deposits of Mithril, Iron and copper. Later in the day a different group escorted a caravan of miners who presumably began mining work. However, after Reginald portaled away a final time, his magic seemed oddly familiar to some of us old campaigners. I couldn’t put my finger on it at first, but when Lord Trent opined that it felt “Illinarean”, I had to agree. It was later confirmed that this was magic of “old Illinar.” For the uninitiated, Illinar was a foreign kingdom which destroyed Banecroft 50 years ago, sent agents to sow dissension in these Realms 20 years ago, then invaded and occupied Banecroft for some months before these realms united to expel them. These realms left off in a campaign to replace their regicide king with his more amenable sister, but got distracted trying to undo the source of their witches’s darker powers and failed to reach their capital. 

Speaking of the Happy Monster Mining company, at the recent Guilded Lion/Silver Branch festival we learned some principles of alchemy and got a reasonable supply of a single reagent, a mineral salt. Serendipitously, this salt was used in the food at that festival and it was observed restoring a bit of soul in those who damaged their soul in the course of the recent War in Darkvale. James Swift did some divinations and learned how to use what has now been nicknamed “soul salt”, and we have immediately begun the slow process of restoring the souls of those partially drained by Rexan’s baleful magics. What you need to do is [actually OOC] use this [Himalayan] salt in your [real] food. Each week mark off 5 grams used (David carefully weighed and labeled each). So used, each week/5 grams will restore a lost soul point. A food mallet or ginger grater might help in this endeavor. We are distributing this salt to those who need it. We have hope of using this more efficiently later, in an actual alchemy ritual involving three reagents, but this is ample supply to begin the long process now. We will certainly have the supply of soul salt available at Queen of Hearts and likely between now and then as well.

Lunch was late in the afternoon, but both tasty and of extremely generous proportions. I mean really generous. It also had excellent support of special dietary needs. One had a chance to pre-register one’s menu, and I had expected a dessert of a fruit cup and got a deep pie tin 8” in diameter fill of fruit! 

Lunch was filling, there was a lot of it. Magnus Savyne loved the salad.  

At Darkvale court, newly elevated Count Kovaks appointed Barons DelHemar, Katsuie, and Laika to take responsibility for the Civilized (Sorbus), Monstrous (Viridis), and Theologial (Alabast) spheres, respectively. The shade of Sir Chan (lost recently to us in a twin heroic sacrifice, once to take out the god Rexan and twice to save others fallen in that fallout) manifested to pass on the mantle of “Treaty Boss”, and none too soon as Baron Katsuie immediately had to negotiate with the local Goblin King. A treaty was due course signed. Mighty Margaret sang “Everyone’s Favorite Space Bear” in Chan’s honor. 

Among the acts at Chimeron high court, the subnation of Rua Thar Cinn welcomed two new members. The final act assembled the Knights of the Eternal Flame to induct Count Kovacks as the newest knight of that order! Much was the rejoicing at this richly deserved accolade. 

Dinner was served, and while it was both pleasing and ample, lunch and been so big and so recent that it was difficult to do it justice. After dinner bards entertained those assembled. My humble contribution was (Miracle of Sound’s) “The Tale Of CĂș Chulainn”. And the name Cu Chulainn was sung out loud that night! In a tale of range and ruin and of might! Ryu gave us “Warriors”. The fitting conclusion was Sir Kovacks reading Sir Makta’s poem evocatively describing Darkvale.