
Friday, August 5, 2022

Rumors for August 1022


Patches of the woods have been growing black as pitch, with a rot that can only be described at night.


A caravan keeps speaking of how a mountain cracked beneath them, and hot flowing liquid started seeping out.

[Blackwood: Through Portals to a Mysterious Place]

There is concern about the disappearance of Illufium, the Banneret of Air after his speaking out in the last month.


And people keep complaining of weird dreams and an insatiable hunger.


Productivity has been at an all time high at the construction site on the banks of the Rowan. The outer walls have been finished. The fields around the site have started to become populated with farms. Blocks of townhouses are being built at a remarkable pace and many of the laborers are choosing to move into these permanent residences. This area is starting to become known as “Blue Town” due to the unusual colors of the roofs on these structures.


A small scouting group has confirmed that the same portal that appeared on the border last year remains in the same exact spot, though its initial shine seems a bit duller. We suspect this portal has something to do with the sizable tear in the Night Sky above the lands.

Though no activity was witnessed by our patrol at the portal, there have been reports of “Flickering Lights”… coming out of the portal and making their way into the nearby forest, but quickly going out. 


The Magistrate of the City of Silverport has received reports of missing items and family members within the city. Additionally, strange sounds are coming from the Wharf near Silverport.


The City of Starhaven in Stonewood remains under Martial Law. This has been hard as it is one of Stonewood’s major trade hubs, and an enforced curfew of 9pm has hurt it.

Undead soldiers and living ones alike line the streets at regular intervals to keep order and peace.


The Loken-Swift Library north of Starhaven has been receiving crates from across the country, and a well dressed undead has been leading a team of about a dozen to bring them inside.


It seems a farmer or some such is trying to make some easy money, they’re looking to sell three very nice horses, surprisingly cheap.

[Western Realms: South of Shadow March]

Rumors suggest that a growing number of farmers, hunters, and woodsfolk have been reported missing in the past week. Simultaneously, reports of vicious animal attacks are on the rise in the same area, and survivors have been found covered in scratch marks that seem to heal less quickly than normal. Insomnia, sleeplessness, and nightmares have also been reported as additional symptoms of these attacks.