
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Why I want to go: Queen of Hearts 2022

It would be hard not to notice the prolific amount of effort that Aeston and company has put in, trying to give the community CPR as we come out of the pandemic. The shear number of events held in the early summer, and the memories they made for our newer and older players alike, is nothing to shake a stick at. 

So I think it’s kind of fitting at as we come closer to the end of summer, and we have a community that has blood pumping again, we come to Queen of Hearts, which with every pun intended, could be described as the Heart of our game. And the heart of our game is in fact shaking sticks at each other. 

Queen of Hearts is the pinnacle stage for many aspects of our community. It has some of the best fights, ever, in our game, both in singles tournaments, and in war tournaments. It’s probably the only place that gives showcase to the art, and craft of our community, whether we’re talking about music and dance, armoring, or monster builds, or many other possibilities. 

Now I know that it’s been mentioned that there have been changes to the event to accommodate the planning time, and to give allowance of potential changes based on the world at large, but I have been promised that even still it will have all the same feel of Queen of Hearts of old. The epic clashes, the challenges, the fierce competition, the art. It will all be there. And I believe that. 

If you’ve read this far and I haven’t sold you on why you should want to go, I need to point out that both teams are still happily accepting players, and if you’re interested you should feel free to contact Elwin, Cecil, or the EH team to check things out. 

So, I guess I should say it, why do I want to go? Because it’s where the community will be, and it’s going to be a fun time. 

  • Keith “Saegan” Cronyn