
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Why I Want to Go - Tournaments of the Branch

by Kelly "Fern" Perfetto

  This upcoming Saturday marks the first ever Tournaments of the Branch. Those hosting this event, Sir Tara included, are promising pomp and circumstance the likes of which are rarely seen in this capacity in the Realms. I plan on traveling to the lands of Gryphon Hall, and I hope to fight beside my knight and friends. Or perhaps I’ll get the opportunity to fight against my friends!

According to the various postings I have seen around the lands in preparation for the event, there will be regular combat events as seen at many tournaments, bardics, a chronicling challenge, and a flyting, which I’ve been told is a poetry competition, centered around insults of some sort. 

In preparation for this event, I asked a few of my friends why they want to go, and I received these responses:

Margaret: I think it'll be fun to go to a tournament event where I can fight people of similar levels to me. I also really like the altar to Rawonam aspect, allowing me to be able to participate at full despite my choice to be a caster, because it feels like tournaments can be really punishing as a caster. I'm also looking forward to some of the non-coms and seeing what people come up with.

Swift: A good way to keep warm on a brisk fall day is to get in some sparring, so a nice tournament should be a lovely pleasant and comfortable chance to see friends in less dire straits, while getting to stretch and keep ourselves in fighting shape into the fall. This seems to be a slightly more formal Tournament as well, which should be enjoyable. And there is a new Bardic rumored! I look forward to that.

Kovaks: This tournament appeals to everyone, even people who don’t like tournaments. Pageantry will be judged with more weight than athletic skill. Also, turkey legs.

One thing I really appreciate about tournaments is observing and learning from other combatants. During quests, I don’t often get to see allies’ shield fighting style, or how they wield a great weapon. So long as they’re alive and fighting beside me, I have bigger things to worry about. I have found, however, that one of my favorite things to do during tournaments is ask for pointers on my own fighting style. This will be an excellent place to show off your technical talents, as well as your flashier moves. I would appreciate anyone who wanted to teach a new squire and adventurer a few tricks of the trade this weekend, or offer your services as a loud friend to announce my appearance on the tourney field.

Perhaps this will be the start of a new annual or recurring tournament. Come and represent yourself, your nation, and your factions well at the Tournaments of the Branch this weekend!

~ Squire Fern Eberhardt 

Note from View Staff: Please visit this link to see all of the rules and the schedule for Tournaments of the Branch!