
Friday, October 14, 2022

Fresh Faces with Zack "Tony" Emmert

photo by Bri Meisser

1. How did you learn about Realms?

I learned about the Realms through a friend of mine that I played D&D with. Kelly (who plays Fern) kept nagging me to come to SMAS fight practice, and then one day I caved and finally did it. Then they, and other SMAS folks, kept trying to get me to come to Black & White 2021, and once I went I knew I was sticking around.

2. How many events have you been to?

I've been to most of the events of the past year or so. Ashen Bounty IX was my 13th event, and Feast of Blackwood 2022 will be my 14th.

3. Have you ever LARP’ed before? If so tell us about it? 

This is my first ever LARP experience, and I gotta say, I'm having a blast!

4. What is your character like? Where are they from? What is their species? What is important to them?

My character, Tony, started out as a bit of a Generic Human Fighter Person™️. But at DI2, my first questing event, he really started to come into his own. He's a human from rural Chimeron, and the most important thing to him is protecting his friends and companions.

photo by Bri Meisser

5. What do you remember most about your first event? 

To be honest, my first few events are kind of a blur. But one thing I remember from Uncle Cecil's is Cpt. Orion (and the rest of us) having way too much fun with "Please be HAM"

6. What things have helped to make you feel welcome in game? 

The Chimeron Militia and the Knights of the Sable Dragon. Having a solid group of other newer players that are dedicated to helping each other out, and another group of more experienced players that are equally dedicated to helping new players enjoy the Realms has been truly wonderful. Also, shout out to the loaner armor bins!

photo by Bri Meisser

7. What parts of the game do you find most challenging? 

Sometimes I have a bit of a habit of going on a mission on a questing event, killing a bunch of monsters and having a great time, and then going back to the tavern and realizing I have no idea why we were there doing anything in the first place. I'd say the most challenging thing for me is balancing my desire to be on the front lines hitting things, and my desire to be involved in the plot and know what's going on.

8. Do you have any game-related goals (as either a player or character)? 

My main goal as a player is just to have a great time, make friends, and do cool stuff. And so far, I'm doing pretty well at that.

9. What advice would you give other new players? 

Don't be afraid to just walk up to someone, introduce yourself, and just meet people. The best way to get involved and have fun in the Realms is to make a few good friends.

10. What have you enjoyed most about the game so far?

Questing. Questing Questing Questing Questing Questing. Questing. I want to go on all the quests.

photo by Bri Meisser