
Friday, October 7, 2022

Rumors for October 1022

[Across the Realms]

Over the last few days rumbling can be felt in the ground throughout the Realms. The effect seems weaker the further north you go, and are quite pronounced and strong around Coventry. As days pass the time between rumblings at first feel fairly consistent - averaging once or twice a day, but recently the gap has become more apparently shorter - about six times a day. Initial explorations have been unable to locate the source of the rumbling.


The people within Blackwood have been complaining of it being unseasonably cold, from furious flurries to blasting bleary blizzards the snow it mounting up quickly. So much so that there are complaints that the hot springs are even freezing over in Acteon and Verglaz.

Unprepared for the rapid change in the weather, all sorts of wildlife have been found frozen and dead, at times in even huddled herds.

The people of Blackwood have been welcomed into the castles to huddle together and keep warm by the fire, but many complain that that still isn’t enough.


Around the city colloquially known as “Blue Town”, farmers are reaping modest harvests from the newly-plowed land. Usually a small harvest is cause for concern but the Blue Town farmers are taking pride in the fact that they produced anything at all. In this case, the city was already planning to rely on imported goods during the winter, so being able to supplement this with locally-grown food is seen as a symbol of the young city’s success.

[New Verai]

The people have begun to settle into the standard harvest routines. 

Harvest, festival, harvest, feast, rest, repeat. 

It is rumored that the council of 8, with her Excellency Steward Zarine, has found it to be relatively easy of late to get the politics of the day finished. This is likely attributed to the many times her Excellency has made clear when she feels she "Can't Even" with them; it is said by some that the eye-roll of frustration is almost audible. The new no-nonsense attitude, in just one month, has seen some interesting shifts in policy. 

"Perhaps" said Sha'ri of the Sisters' Army "the New Verai motto will change to I can't even with you"