
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

What you Missed - Black & White 2022

by Stephanie "Thayet" Kubasek

The yearly tradition of the journey to Chimeron to attend the Black and White Masquerade Ball is the highlight of my year. The weather is crisp, the company is grand, and the festivities bountiful. This year was no exception. 

The weather was gorgeous as we were welcomed into Chimeron. The turn out of the realms was one like I had never seen before. Both faces new and old made an appearance to celebrate. 

The day started with the annual contest for the Champion of Chimeron. The battlefield was impressive seeing young and old, new and seasoned, fighter and caster and somewhere in between all stand on equal ground as they fought for Chimeron. The fights were impressive and the crowd cheered. Ultimately it was Sir Will of Chimeron who became this years Champion. It was an honor to witness such fights. 

Invictus then began their gladitorum and inducted two full members. Lisell Silvermaple and Alias Softshadow. And the joining of a petitioner, me! Thayet!

So many new adventurers have joined the Realms in full swing since last year, and they were full of eager questions as they completed their quests of socialization and of the mind. Even some of the questions that the greener faces asked brought those long in the tooth to a stump. It overall brought us closer as we learned more of each other and were able to put faces to names and vice versa. 

Blue was on the prowl again, ready to slay adventurers who came near. However, I did hear that they ended up in a circle of protection at one point, and a tiny human had begun causing chaos to others with Blue. Frightful, tiny humans tend to be. 

Though I did not part take due to my full agenda for the afternoon, I did witness tasks and quests and games be partaken by others that looked tremendously fun. Especially the whirlwind of magic missiles launched by them. And I also heard rumors of a mysterious mailbox somewhere in the woods that was able to send messages to Pater Yule. 

Throughout the day, many passes of hors d’oeuvres were brought out from the kitchen.  Scrumptious as always, and extremely accommodating to those with allergies and other dietary ailments. Soup on a cold night just seems to warm the soul as it enters the belly and rejuvenates the spirits. One of my favorites is the French onion soup and a small sandwich to boot. Alas, all good things do come to an end and so did the food. 

Court was astounding, and everyone showed up in their very best outfits and accessories. Truly, you wouldn’t think that fighting and questing happened earlier. The gentle folk in all were beautiful. Maybe the Order of the Peacock needs to start taking advice or new members. 

The Witch of Gimlet offered a token to King Alexander Cecil in order to ask for aid slaying a dragon, however the witch’s reports were contradicted by a fae with the name of November. Placing the King of Chimeron in a predicament that he handled righteously and wisely. Then having the Reticulum Emissary of Sothorn ask for unreasonable terms from Voraniss, which led to declaring all out war on Voraniss. A nation of powerful Druids, Vandor worshipers and lycanthropes? Let’s just say it made sure everyone was paying attention for rest of court. 

There were housekeeping changes of nations and orders announced. Madame Zarine became the head of the Order of the Peacock and swiftly brought in the new seasonal color Periwinkle. My nation restructuring its inner chain of command and titles as we transition from a time of war to a time of peace. Including the decision to make our Imperator our King. 

Nations and houses welcomed new members. Saurabia added a new member Dame Twenaria, Lux Solaris swore in Garren, Chimeron Royal House fostered Cressida, and the Steward of Verai asked Dame Twenaria to be her advisor which she happily accepted. Felwood swore in Ypnn. And Stonewood joined the Stone Shield Alliance. 

Yet there were items that brought smiles upon many faces. Many people were asked to join as squires and learners of many knighthoods, houses, orders, and personal apprentices. Baron took Alias as his squire for the Knights of the Sable Dragon. Magus Kindrianna named Evita Jainrose as her apprentice. Court Mage Magus Janus appointed Ypnn as his second. Grarr joined the King’s 12 as Lady Indana passed her spot to him.  Sir Soka was lifted to being a Knight Avatar of Chimeron. Sir Captain Daekara was awarded a fireball from the Knights of the Eternal Flame, and Sir Orion was inducted as a Knight of the Eternal Flame! Huzzah to them all! It is wonderful to see people who I have gotten to know in my short time here rise to the challenges and responsibilities of life, and have the unconditional love and support of the Realms.

Swiftly came the auction. Sir Iawen always makes the ticket drawing interesting. It was thrilling and they kept us on the edge of our seats as we all eagerly awaited the opening of every box for the hope of a boat. And Madame Zarine may also have to take some pointers from Jean Baptiste as he graciously styled every article of clothing for the auction with elegance. 

When the sun went down the dancing began. Laughter and grace filled the dance floor as Princess Cimone took the lead in teaching us common folk to dance. 

The Wild Hunt has called upon the Fae to join in a rescue mission? I unfortunately was not privy to such matters as I am mere human. However, our fae family looked fierce as they readied for their quest.

The day was not nearly as long as people wished as the winds of change ushered in new beginnings prior to our awaited winter. The music came to an end, people began packing up their carriages, and goodbye embraces were shared by all. The day had ended, and another Black and White had come and passed. One for the memory books.