
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Lost Kingdoms Battle Log, Week Three

Twenty-One Days After the Cold Moon, Month of the Raven in the Year 1022


It has been several weeks now, but we still draw breath in the lands of Voraniss. The enemy came from the west and gathered upon the border of our swampland to initiate their attack. It wasn’t a terribly large force at first, but their reinforcements have not yet diminished. It is clear to us all that they have been preparing for this moment, as have we.

They are led by Arvitt Garrimaddon, Champion of the Erl King, and to my knowledge, the last King of Sothron. Thus far, the enemy has relied upon mostly human soldiers and the undead. With Stonewood, and Lord Sir Elwin’s assistance, the Undead have not posed much of a problem thus far, but the enemy has been adapting to our strategy and I am seeing more humans in their ranks as time passes. The exceptions to their minions are Droxon the Frozen, a Dracolich who has challenged Ekkaku the Serpent Spirit for position within the Spirit Realm, and three units of Laughing Dead that have been sighted.

I have been told by adventurers more knowledgeable than myself on the topic of the Lost Kingdoms, that Laughing Dead may only be permanently destroyed if they are told a specific joke, the same joke that was told to them at the time of their animation. It is a cruel twist of nature to turn joy and mirth into something so heinous and threatening, but you will know this enemy by their creepy and continual laughter. Normal weapons will work on them by all accounts, but they will rise again unless the joke is spoken. Be cautious if you are to come across these foes.


For weeks we have managed to defend the Serpent Shrine in western Voraniss, but the enemy is now coming at us on additional fronts. Ships flying the flag of Sothron have appeared off the coast of Mirador, and in Southern Voraniss at the Stag Shrine. I am grateful for our allies in Stonewood, who keep my spirits up even now upon the front line, and those allies who are on the way. The nations of Invictus, Blackwood, and Sharingal have officially declared their support in this fight and give us further hope that we are not alone.


I know this enemy will not stop at our borders. The Realms must stand united in the face of this corruption and darkness and treat it as the serious threat it is. If you are able and willing to fight beside us, we urge you to take action and prepare. War is coming, whether you like it or not.  For the moment, I am still reachable by raven for those of you with questions, but I cannot say how long that will remain the case. I will do my best to keep you apprised of the developing situation and conditions on the front.


In Service,

Spirit Queen Kindrianna Athame