
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

On the Order - Templars of Vandor

  1. What year was your Knighthood formed?

May 1st, 2005.

  1. What does your knighthood stand for?

The Templars of Vandor are an IC religious order founded by Sir Avendar at the request of the mortal god himself to promote his domains: Protection of the Innocent and Vengeance. They are a group of Knights who will do whatever it takes to uphold the principles of their faith, seeking neither glory nor personal gain, instead concentrating their efforts on service to the greater good. Templars collectively serve as the Mortal Avatars of Vandor.

  1. What are your tenents?

1. Thou shalt protect the Innocent.

2. Thou shalt seek vengeance against the wicked and carry thyself with enough fortitude to see the cycle of vengeance through to its end.

3. Thou need not kneel before any man or King, for it is Vandor, and Vandor alone, who may judge the character of a Templar. Let no law or oath of earthly fealty come between thyself and thy charge.

  1. What is your symbol?

Three silver chevrons upon a field of black.

  1. Did you have a traditional Knightly power, if so what was it?


  1. What do you look for when selecting squires?

It varies from Knight to Knight, but we largely look for Squires, aka Acolytes, that are both willing to learn and are vocal in their worship and praise of Vandor whether they take on the role of a warrior or caster. Additionally, we try to identify those with the potential for heroism and moral courage who understand sacrifice and that being good doesn’t always mean being nice. We need people whose values and morals align with our own and those of our deity, folk of faith who will stand their ground even when it is difficult or intimidating.

  1. What is your squiring process like?

Again, this will vary depending on the needs of the Squire/Acolyte. Each of us has different lessons to learn so that we might grow into the best versions of ourselves. Each Acolyte will face tasks and challenges uniquely designed to help them evolve and progress as both members of the community and leaders within it. Generally speaking, each Acolyte will also undergo three major or overarching tasks themed to Vandor’s domains and origins to earn the chevrons upon their belts. One task oriented toward Protection, one towards Vengeance, and one towards Remembrance, as it was the telling of Vandor’s story and the gathering of additional followers that originally restored his divinity.

  1. Who is your current  Knight Commander?

High Priestess Kindrianna Athame of Voraniss

  1. Who are your currently active Knights?

High Priestess Kindrianna

Templar Avendar

Templar Hygar

Templar Malaki

  1. Do you have any interesting stories from your Knighthood's past?

Yes. We have many tales that you should ask one of us about sometime. We could tell you the story of Clan Defender during the assault on Wayland’s Fortress, or the story of the Ascension of Sir Vawn Coupant, Immortal Avatar of Vandor, to name a few. Find us at a bonfire, and we’ll be happy to spread the word of the order.