
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Formal Challenge - Round 4

In this new series, our own Jean C'est Magnifique Try Baptise, accomplished writer and scholar, puts his wisdom and wit to the challenge as he takes on a series of written challenges against ChatGPT who plays the character "Dr. Arthur Telligen". Who will win? The man or the machine? We'll ask for your votes and your input on social media after you read both sides!

View Staff: 

Assuming you could craft a magic item that could animate one single mundane task, normally doable by a single person in a finite amount of time, as many times as you want, what item could you produce that would result in the most profit?


It's important for this debate to first remember what the limits are. The magic item can not mimic a magical ability, so it does not get to cast heal limb or other spells. The item can not do anything a single human can not, so it may not lift something easier than a human, it does a single task automatically... and I can not make two of them. The item also can't do a particularly complicated task, it cant single handedly run a kitchen.

This is important as this means that the main avenues of revenue for automation are not actually available, which is why I did not create a magical truck. Instead I would either need to automate a single task that is so inconvenient that I can make a business out of using that magic item, or I need to make a magic item that is so useful I can sell it to a single person for the maximum profit.

Therefore, evaluating everything, I have deduced that the single most profitable item for me is a magical dishwasher. The reason is simple. I can rent the dishwasher out for free feast entry, which means I make around 30-60 bucks every feast, which will quickly add up to a few hundred dollars. I can even lend it out to events I am not participating in for actual cash. 

In addition anything else particularly high value like an automated Pike swinger would probably not pass the magic marshal so I need something the staff would WANT to be out at their events without replacing a magical spell... so dishwashing.

Dr. Arthur Telligan:

If I could only make one magic item to automate a mundane task, a magic calculator would be an excellent choice. The ability to quickly and accurately perform mathematical calculations would be invaluable in a medieval fantasy world, especially for tasks like accounting, commerce, and construction. A single individual with a magic calculator could potentially outperform an entire team of workers in terms of speed and accuracy, making them highly sought after and valuable. They could quickly and easily calculate taxes, determine crop yields, and manage complex building projects. In a world where knowledge of mathematics is rare and highly valued, a magic calculator could become a symbol of power and prestige, further increasing its value.

A magic calculator would be an invaluable tool for engineers, architects, and builders in a medieval fantasy world. With the ability to perform complex calculations instantly, builders could design and plan larger, more elaborate structures and projects. For example, they could accurately calculate the materials needed for a large bridge spanning a river or estimate the amount of stone required for a castle wall of a certain height and length.

A magic calculator would allow for more efficient accounting and financial planning, which would drive economic growth in a medieval fantasy world. It would enable merchants to accurately calculate profits and losses, and track expenses and revenues. This information would provide greater transparency and allow for better decision-making, which could lead to increased profits and expansion of businesses. The ability to calculate interest rates and investment returns would also enable individuals and organizations to make better financial decisions and allocate resources more effectively. Overall, the increased efficiency and accuracy in financial calculations provided by a magic calculator would allow for more effective allocation of resources, and ultimately drive economic growth.

In conclusion, a magic calculator would be an incredibly valuable item in a medieval fantasy world as it would greatly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of financial calculations, leading to more streamlined and profitable business ventures. It would also aid in the planning and execution of building projects, allowing for greater expansion and development. Additionally, it would drive economic growth by enabling more accurate forecasting and facilitating larger and more complex transactions. Overall, the magic calculator would be a game-changing item that would greatly benefit any medieval fantasy civilization that possesses it.

Editors note: For those unfamiliar, ChatGPT is an AI language model that generates responses to any input through an online interface. All text attributed to ChatGPT (Dr. Arthur Telligen) in this series is the unedited output of that AI, all text attributed to View Staff is the unedited input given to ChatGPT. Read more about ChatCPT here: