
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Why I Want To Go to Tales of a Tea-totaler: A Fool's Errand

It’s a mystery >;3




In all seriousness, here’s why I want to go. I know a lot of people are freaking out about Rakshasa, but that’s tertiary to everything else the EH’s have planned! And what is it they have planned?

Didn’t you read the very first sentence? It’s a mystery!

What, you thought I was joking? I never kid! Except all the times that I do.

I was one of the first to sign up to go, *the* first if you believe the Realms page. Surely that means I know something others don’t that would prompt me with such excitement to sign up.

Again, not really. I know the EH’s throwing it and view them fondly, Dani’s character once let mine have a free armor repair from Anna’s, and Anna’s character later let mine have a free armor repair anyways, and IC Omri, my character, views Irri, Emma’s character as a friend.

OOC, I know them from various practices, and Emma is a fellow Riverhawk. If you’re not going to Riverhawk practices you’re really missing out. I want to support them and see what they have planned.

Now that isn’t a ringing endorsement in and of itself, but looking at the event page, I’m even more excited to go! The menu they have, for this is first and foremost a tea party, looks delicious. I don’t really drink tea but I’m honestly considering it.

I plan on using the delightfully planned out menu to fuel my puzzle solving and combat whacking fervor the day of. I’m new to the Realms, maybe one of these days I’ll be one to chill out at the table and sip tea while others run around with the energy and focus of headless chickens.

It looks like a lovely mix of social, puzzling, and some combat! And since it’s capped, unlike feasts, I feel it will be easier for everyone to get some of the action, and unlike some other events, it’s not combat focused so everyone regardless of energy levels can participate.

Now here’s Omri’s thoughts on it! Take it away Omri.

Thanks Kyra who is the one who controls my every action because they are my player.

I’ve not been active in the Realms for very long, I only started my Journeyman’s journey about half a year now (in fact it’ll be my exact 6 month anniversary the day of the event). So what better way to celebrate it than a tea party with people who I’ve gotten to know in this wonderful region?

I’ll admit, I’ve heard things since getting here, things I wasn’t privy to myself. Allegedly the tea party started being planned because of invitation of Rakshasa. This has a lot of people freaked out, and I was hoping that by showing up I could be there to aid in whatever turns may occur. Now some of the Rakshasa have been banished, so they *probably* won’t show up? It would be nice not to see… some of them again.

But I know Irri and Hedda and Eliza! Last time I saw Eliza she was crying blood but she said that was fine. And Hedda kindly repaired my armor. And Irri is my friend. The letter denotes they need some aid with the fire forest and creatures, something I’ve had on my list of ‘things to check out’. Like a deadly tourist brochure of the Realms. Hopefully not deadly though!

The food looks good, and if I were go through each item in the letter that piqued my interest, this article would go much longer. So I will halt here and encourage you follow your own interest.

May your path be lit,
