
Friday, May 5, 2023

Rumors for May 1023


In Chimeron, posters have gone up declaring that a "Brorion" is wanted dead by order of Warlord Sir Saka, for a reward. The posters proclaim that Brorion can cast lightning bolts, and should not be mistaken for Sir Orion, Captain of the Chimeron Militia.


The ebb and flow of goods over the Vanfrost has been steady and merchants that return from Norlund have had no trouble finding buyers for their foreign wares. Highly sought after right now is the exotic game that is sometimes hunted by the vikings of Midgard. Meals made with these delicacies can be found in inns and taverns all across Rhiassa and other nearby locales.


The new farms have been ramping up, and the small settlement central to them has been growing as well. The farmers who had been relocated there are settling in and starting to consider it a home.


The Loken-Swift Library in Northern Starhaven is finally open after being in limbo for almost a year! While it is focused on general education topics, a few nights a week there are classes offered.


Starhaven continues to be very low on crime.