
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Why I Want to Go - The Coronation of King Shandar

By Renee “Kindrianna” Booke

At last year’s Black & White ball, Shandar Silverstorm made an announcement after the Invictus Gladitorium that he intended to take the title of King. Now the time has finally come to celebrate this joyous occasion and revel in the hospitality of this mighty nation. Long has Invictus stood as a paragon of martial excellence in these Realms, but they have many other talents and skills worth mentioning ahead of their feast that shall be highlighted across the festivities.

The weekend promises delicious food straight from the kitchen of Sir Daekara which includes dinner and dessert on Saturday, and a special Sunday brunch. We are in capable hands on the food front, as I don’t think I have been to a feast in recent times where Sir Daekara wasn’t somehow involved in or assisting with the culinary endeavors of many a feastocrat. I am quite pleased to see him take the helm and know that our stomachs will not be disappointed.

In addition to the food, there will be a wide variety of tournaments and goings on. Friday evening, rumor has it that there will be a goose hunt of sorts, with adventurers being called upon to track down Todd, “a giant, fire-breathing, fancy farmer goose.” I personally believe Todd did this on purpose, as it is widely known that a goose’s favorite month is Au-goose-t. (See what I did there?)

Saturday will feature martial tournaments hand-picked by Shandar, putting spotlight on some of his favorite encounters and challenges from over the years. Prizes will be awarded to those warriors skilled enough to claim victory. Additionally, Sir Aelias Softshadow will have mystical challenges for the more magically inclined, and Sir Zatarra will test those who profess to possess skills of an underhanded nature. 

Once the daytime entertainment has concluded, that is when the ceremony and coronation shall begin, so don your finest regalia or you may find yourself judged by local celebrity and Order of the Peacock member Madam Zarine. As a Sunday bonus, apart from the promised brunch, we have bacon and bardics to look forward to as well.

This will be a very special weekend for the nation of Invictus, not to mention -fun-. I sincerely hope that I will see many of you in attendance. There is much to celebrate, and merriment is certainly better with company.