
Thursday, June 8, 2023

What you Missed - The Lost Ruins

Well. We survived. What did you miss from the Lost Ruins? A lot of manual labor that’s what. But let me backup. 

The adventures of the Realms ventured North in Stonewood to investigate some ruins that were uncovered by archeologists there. These ruins happened to be near this big bad Chapel. The thing inside is scary. Last time someone knocked on the door, everyone within 10 feet lost a third of their soul (ticked), everyone within 50 feet had their souls ripped from their body. And everyone within 100 miles died. So everyone was given ample warnings before our expedition to stay away from the Chapel. Zula would be sitting by with a big stick and lawn chair to make sure of it. 

When we arrived at the ruins, the archeologists showed us a table. Thankfully. Merrix and Hygar had done prior research to learn how to operate it. But first, we had to power it. And, we were on a timer. There were many magical batteries around the area; many of which required copious amounts of physical labor. Some highlights included using rope to move a bucket from one platform to another, killing 100 undead within an arena, and carrying 150 tiny rocks, which took two hands to maneuver, all the way across the area through the mud and past all the undead trying to kill us.

While this was happening, Aelias was being hunted by Thane’s Champion, who slew anything that got between him and his target. This was a tough battle, and it led to magic leaving the area which was unideal. It was a hard fight, one which will continue another day. 

We also had to deal with Malthael’s agents during all of this. Many including Stewhart, Tulkhan, and Shandar challenged these Greater Reapers, helping to push them back. 

As the timer ticked down, smoke began to emanate from the Chapel. It was quite scary, chasing down Hygar even as he attempted to teleport away Kindrianna took her stand, and with the power of Solarus and Vandor was able to fight back.

Eventually, the table was fully powered, and Hygar and Merrix took their positions. Before my eyes, Hygar vanished; leaving behind all of his stuff. It was quite alarming. I apparently followed soon after, alongside Kindrianna, Tulkhan, Avendar, and Merrix. I do not remember what happened her, as. I returned a while later in a pile of goo. But eventually after some effort my soul was called and I was raised. We all made it out. Hygar activated the escape dirt we were all given, and we returned to the castle to fight another day.

Until next time

Page Margaret August

Settler of Voraniss


Stonewood events will always hold a special place in my heart. It was the first time I got to quest with Voraniss, and it was amazing to be able to continue that tradition this year. The NPCs and Staff put in an amazing amount of work and hold themselves to a high standard. And so I wanted to thank them for all the work they put in.