
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Why I Want To Go - Festum Solis

by Bri "Margaret" Meisser

What was supposed to be a lovely day of festivals and a celebration of Aurora and her divine light in the seat of her power. Is now being turned into a war because some dumbass name Arvitt thinks he’s King of the Realms or something. Well obviously we can’t let that happen. So

Here’s why I want YOU for the defense of Coventry

Friday night we will be meeting in Coventry to discuss the invasion and make preparations. A group of us will also be doing a ritual to try and contact some potential allies who may have more information about the Erl King.

On Saturday, we’ll be marching to war. Rumor has it Arvitt himself will be there. We will also likely be encountering Wolds, Skalds, and Rottlings. So if people can bring maces and torches that’s definitely suggested. 

As both a Page to the Knights of the Crown and a devout worshiper of Aurora, the defense of Coventry is of the utmost importance to me. 

The Lost Kingdoms are not to be trifled with. But neither is Coventry or the heroes of the realms. So. Will you pick up the sword and help? Fight like everything is at stake. Because it is.

May Aurora Light Your Path
Page Margaret August

OOC (Because Margaret doesn’t know this is happening yet :))
Sunday we will be making our way to Nathan’s Hollow, to help fulfill promises made over a year ago. This is really important to my character, and something I’m very excited for.

I’m also a big fan of questing, and super excited for the opportunity to quest with my friends. The event holding team has been working tirelessly to make this happen for us, and I can’t wait to see it all come together,