
Friday, July 28, 2023

Secret Spellbinding Stumpers

Welcome to a new game here on the View! Secret Spellbinding Stumpers! In this game series we will give you the spell build of three individuals (as current at the creation of the puzzle). We will also tell you how the three people are related to one another. It's your job to pick the three adventurers in question and tell us who you think they are on social media!

For our first puzzle, these three people are all members of the same nation:

Person #1

  • Light
  • Heal Limb
  • Raise Dead
  • Divine Aid
  • Ward: Enchanted
  • Regional
  • Protect the Soul
  • Raise Dead
  • Combat Raise Dead
  • Resist Magic
  • Intervention

Person #2

  • Light
  • Protect the soul
  • Precognition
  • Seance
  • Vision
  • Identify
  • Heal Limb
  • Raise Dead
  • Regional
  • Ward: Enchanted Beings
  • Ritual of Banishment
  • Mentor
  • Guidance
  • Enfeeble Being
  • Magic Missile
  • Familiar

Person #3
  • Mentor
  • Heal Limb
  • Disenchant
  • Combat Raise Dead
  • Combat Raise Dead
  • Implement
  • Guidance
  • Fortune Tell 
  • Disrupt
  • Enfeeble Being
  • Ritual of Banishment
  • Implement
  • Protect the Soul
  • Guidance
  • Regional
  • Resist Magic