
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Why I Want to Go - The Spaces In Between

by Mikey "Janus" Donnelly

Why do I want to go to the Spaces In Between?  Because it looks like it’s going to be a fantastic event for so many different reasons.

Let’s start with the staff of the event.  There are 7 people listed, all of whom are experienced, and many have worked together in the past.  The EH’s/Magic Marshals have been involved in writing so many epic quests in the past: from Randyland, to Fae Plot, to Divine Intervention, to so many Folkestone plots, I wouldn’t even know what to call out specifically.  That group alone should get your attention.

But if that didn’t, let’s look into the planning and thought they have put into the event so far.  They asked people who regged early enough to fill out a survey so the staff could be sure of knowing the players, their preferred types of content, and more about their characters, so they could write content with that in mind. Randy has been having seeds for this event happening since last year at Black and White (at least, that’s when I first saw it).

And finally, the plot.  It’s…well, let’s see what I can actually get out that is coherent.  There is a place that is between all places called “The Spaces in Between”.  And this is a place from which alternate versions of people can pass through.  Maybe they are evil with a goatee.  Maybe they are good, and just as confused as you are.  Or maybe they are the thing that is trying to get out of where it was…and to where we are.  The thing, that if only it could widen the cracks in reality far enough, would happily come and force our world to be like what it wants it to be.  There is also this cult, poisoning people, and rewriting them to be more…friendly, to them.  They have taken out hits against Liselle and Alias to oppose them.  There have been alternate versions of gods around occasionally, who came from lands where history played out slightly differently.  

What exactly this is all leading towards, I’m not sure.  But I can’t wait to find out.