
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

KOSD Questing into Blackavar, Lore Retrieved

Information relayed by Omri, on behalf of the Order of the Lantern. Various documents retrieved during initial foray into Blackavar on behalf of the Knights of the Sable Dragon. The expedition was to protect several contractors hired by the Knights who were researching the land that has been without contact with other nations in some time. Note the lullaby seems to work on Blackavar dragon eggs to ensure they remain dormant, and on Blackavar dragons when they're knocked senseless. Exact circumstances and that which are affected is unknown. Lullaby is from the work of Dragonologist, Samsara Whittlenek aka Sam.


Dragon Egg Lullaby:

“Hush now, dragon eggs, lay still, don’t wake

In moonlight shadows, your dreams we’ll make.

Embers glowing, rest your fiery might

Through the night, we’ll keep you safe and tight.


Sleep, dear dragon eggs, in slumber’s sway

Dreams of soaring skies, in a distant day.

Close your eyes, let the world fade away

Rest in peace until the break of day.”


Writer’s notes: Tune not given or set, try whichever sounds melodious and restful. Etched into my brain is the nanny golem command of “Protect Collect Swaddle Soothe Warm”. This song is necessary for the soothe part of it.


Tenets of the Knights of the Sable Dragon (transcribed from a dialect of Phonecian and adjusted for most commonly accepted spelling equivalent):

“Teneths of the Knights of the Sable Dragon

  • Protect the Realms
  • Serve as an exemplar of honor
  • Foster diversity within the order and the Realms
  • Train the next generation of adventurers
  • Guard the dragons of Blackavar









Story of the Five Knights (delivered on a letter from a mail carrier from unknown sender, similarly transcribed from a dialect of Phonecian with corrections to most commonly accepted spelling):


“Story of the Five Knights


At the end of night the Brood Matron’s wrath drew near. Dragons breath streaked the land and sky as her minions flew the ground show with great tremors and when she landed hope was gone as the hordes of dragons marched together under her command. Threatening not only Blackavar but the Realms at large.


Ser Bardus, first knight of Blackavar, gathered his four closest friends together to stand together against the tide. They hailed from all parts of the Realms, friendship bringing them together closer than a nation's banner could have. When the time came, the five stood together and gave battle. With their wills combined, the Brood Matron’s control of the dragons was blocked long enough for the group to subdue and hide her away.


The Blackavarian dragons bowed in respect to these knights and thanked them for releasing them from her control. To protect Blackavar and the Realms, it was agreed that dragon kind would no longer be free to roam in Blackavar. Some flew to other lands to make their homes, but those who remained agreed to slumber for all time in the hollows under Blackavar under one condition: their eggs must not come to harm and would be kept dormant.


Thus it was cast in stone and magic that the knights of the sable dragon would keep this charge to protect the Realms, foster diversity within the order and the realms, train the next generation of adventurers… and their secret charge to guard the dragons of Blackavar.


Bardus swore himself and the others to these tenets and became the first knight commander of the sable dragon.”