
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Space in Between: Documentation about Minerva and Stathmore's 1st, 2nd, 3rd kid

Information relayed by Omri, on behalf of the Order of the Lantern. It's believed these documents, found on a 'World Board', sheds some light on the history of Minerva and Strathmore's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd kid who were all the same person yet never the same person. The 'World Board' kept our members up to date on the timelines as they changed, but it's unknown when these particular documents showed up. They're relayed as faithfully as Omri can transcribe.

Page 1:

Their father stoically looked on at the two boys, with a bit of disappointment. The mother shifted between despair, rage, and disbelief. The wizard stared intently at the two children. “Which of you belong here?” The wizard was able to create wonders of the world, but could not tell. One or both of them was at a level of power he had not known. And so, the child of seven, was on another adventure, this time to a cave, and through a white tunnel. As the child passed through, her magic dissipated, and the wizard knew at once, the one who had power to challenge him, was gone.

The boy on the other side found a world of loving parents, and no limits on her power. She smiled. This would be an enjoyable game.

Orlando, new to this world, returned to arguing parents. His mother would never recover the loss and some say it led to a level of madness. There are other theories as well. Though the father tried to show love, he was not the same. This boy was filled with love and hope, which slowly faded and was replaced with despair and anger. They all knew that they had sent the wrong child away, but not that the original child was still lost.

“They resent me. They see me as a monster. So, that is what I will become.” They say on that day his body transformed into how he felt the world saw him. The Champion lived.


The boy in her third life, grew to great power and seized control of that world, but once more got bored. She called her most loyal follower. “Robin Goodfelow, this world is too small for me. I want something new.” The imp smiled “Yes, The Lord of Change shall be known in another world, until they choose to become someone else.”

Orlando found kindness rare in this world, especially with his self-inflicted disfiguration. He was rejected by most. He had been loved by his parents, not these copies. His brother had brought him joy as well, but that was endless years past. He found someone special, who could see beyond his mask. She was an angel, literally.

The woman now much older smiled. “I know of a space in between that I can use to travel worlds, but I am too powerful to pass through it. First we must make some cracks in their world, just enough to let me through. I don’t want to harm it. Just enough paradox to clear the way, some happy, some sad, it matters not. The only thing that matters is my doorway.”

Page 2:

They were one of seven and that should have been enough. They had power, their own realm to command, and so much potential. However, they wanted to understand how others lived. Had they chosen anyone else, this story would have been easier. A simple family or even just a mortal family. Alas, they found an intriguing family that did not make sense. Perhaps, that’s what made it so appealing. In the style of changeling children, he took the young child and sent it to another place. (Quite another intriguing story that shall be.) The powerful parents were not as powerful as she was. She imagined it and it was, which made sense to them, so it wasn’t questioned, but they didn’t know the difference.

Time passed and he grew impatient with others. They didn’t understand her. He didn’t want to go back to her siblings, at least not yet, there was more to explore. Then it occurred to him. The best way to find someone that understands you, is to find another you, well close enough. So, triplets it seems, instead of twins.

“Orlando, my wonderful boy, where are you?” said a tall man with red scales. “Father, I am playing knights” said a boy of perhaps eight. A woman’s voice chimes in with a tone of joy, “Don’t you know our son will be a great hero one day?” “Yes, mother, I shall be a champion of the weak, standing up to injustice” the boy spoke matter of factly. The man enters the room and gives him a giant hug. “My


boy, you shall not be a champion, you will become the champion.”

The boy could be anyone and anything, but now he wanted a true friend, a new sibling, without the complications of those at home, and she had forgotten where she had placed his first twin. Time is indeed hard to keep track of. And so, one day he opened a door, to a place, there was white light, and he called to himself. “Orlando, where are you?” The young boy on the other side was curious of course, as a child of dream and potential. The would be knight walked bravely with a wooden sword through the gateway and had a perplexed smile as he saw himself.

For a week they played together, though it felt like years with their imagination and magic. They went upon pirate ships and explored the sky. They were wonderful together, but Orlando did miss his parents. The girl told him they must keep this a secret from their father. Their mother was filled with joy, to have two blessings.

The tall wizard arrived and explained that the world was in peril, a paradox of immeasurable level could rip the world apart. That was the sort of thing that one of her brothers from back home would have quite enjoyed, but it seemed this fun was close to an end.

Page 3:

After his fall, he woke as if in a dream. “Your story my brother has ended in your world; that we cannot change, but we can travel again, each starting a new story in a new world. This world is too weak to hold us both. Arise as the cracks grow strongest, and we shall meet at the gate, for a moment.” So, with a day of life only, he would make sure that he was remembered, and perhaps he would drop some anchors so that one day he might return to this place which had not been his home.