
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Fresh Faces with Owen "Kalashai" Lacey

 This week we have an interview with Owen, who plays Kalashai (both they/he)!

Photo by Kersten/Ypnn

1) How did you learn about the Realms?
I learned about the realms through SMAS fight practices at WPI. I joined the club because I heard it was a chance to do sword fighting for PE credit, and that sounded like a lot of fun! Over the course of the term I made a lot of friends and decided to stick around and try out the more "LARP" side of the club.

2) How many events have you been to so far?
Fourteen! Which feels like a lot for just a first year, but they were all really fun events!

3) Had you LARPed or done other types of improv or roleplaying games before coming to the Realms? If so, please tell us about it!
Not really. I had played DnD once for a class (game design major), but that's about it.


Photo by Kersten/Ypnn

4) What is your character like? Where are they from? How do they identify? What is important to them?
Kalashai is a normal human* who comes from Alifon, far to the west. They came to the Realms trying to get away from some problems in their hometown, and pretty quickly found friends among the Chimeron Militia, which they later joined. They've developed some strong feelings about protecting people who are new or often forgotten by others, and have recently gained some magical abilities to help them do that better.

5) What do you remember most about your first event?
My first event was Black and White 2022, where Cecil and Fern did a ritual to merge two times into one. I was part of the group assigned by Orion to guard the circle and not let anyone pass. That meant that for all of court I was standing at guard as the only line of defense between Cecil and soullessness.

6) What things have helped you feel more welcome in the Realms?
Everyone is always willing to help. If I ever have questions or need some advice on something, I can just find the closest person and even if they don't know the answer, they can usually point me to someone who does. 

7) What parts of the game do you find most challenging?
Finding good garb has been difficult for me. It doesn't help that I don't have a clear idea of what I want, but I just keep finding stuff that isn't quite what I'm looking for.


Photo by Kai Kaufman

8) What Realms-related goals (IC or OOC) have you gotten excited to pursue?
I finally get to do lots of crafting and other creative stuff that I could never find a good enough reason to do before. Chainmail, leather work, and various prop making stuff has always been something I've wanted to do and never been able to convince myself to actually start.

9) What advice would you give to other new players?
Don't be afraid to get involved in stuff! It took me a while to figure out that I could join plots and participate without being invited, and I wish I had gotten a little more involved sooner. But also, don't overwhelm yourself. There are lots of things happening, and trying to understand them all might overwhelm you quick.

10) What have you enjoyed most about the game so far?
Getting an excuse to hang out with friends and do something fun (even if it's just hanging out in a feast hall) has been great.

Photo by Kai Kaufman

We hope you've enjoyed getting to know a little more about Owen and their thoughts about the Realms! If you'd like to do one of these interviews, just send Pat Bobell (emeraldsaka on Discord) a message to let him know.