
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Cry of Midgard - Week 3

Editor's note: 

We're back with another installment of The Cry of Midgard. We've certainly learned that something troubling is happening in Midgard based on the very small amount of wandering we've done so far. The question is, are you going to be part of the solution or part of the problem?

How clever. What a well thought out and thematically appropriate suggestion. Well, ask and ye shall receive...

There you go. I hope that was enough "support" for you. 

Ah, a rational and predictable response to the scene above. Very refreshing. 

Pretty scary stuff! Now what?

Another really good idea! Lets see...

Woah, this is getting intense! Now what should we do???

Oh... okay. I kind of thought we were on a roll here... are you sure you want.... ah whatever.

I hope that was a productive use of your time. Okay, well we lived, we laughed, we learned. Time for you to figure out what to do from here... Oh and here is your status screen right now.

Let us know what commands we should use next by suggesting and voting on social media!