
Friday, November 24, 2023

The Cry of Midgard - Week 4

 Editor's note: 

We're back with another installment of The Cry of Midgard. There is something quite dangerous going on in these barely settled wilds. Are these the random acts of a cruel and uncaring natural order? Is this the whim of the gods visiting terror for some unforeseen end? Or is it the work of something even more devastating than either of those... the evils of mankind? Let's find out!

Seems like a good idea. I mean, it was just food that was left out, unattended. I'm sure it didn't belong to anyone. Just help yourself, I guess. 

Delicious. Nutritious. Let's get back to it, shall we?

I can't wait to see how this goes...

I can't tell what's duller, that axe or your ideas. Come on, get a move on. There's adventure afoot!

Oh good. We're back to focusing on action...

Let's hear it for heteronyms with divergent pronunciations! They give us lots of pun potential.

Okay, are we done with the nonsense now? No, I know the answer to that already. Never mind.

Wait! That actually might move the plot along. Oh jeez! Is this really happening? Oh please oh please...

Yes! Information! Exposition! Something to act upon! Oh... we're done for now. Okay. I guess it's time to vote for the next installment. Here's your status screen, I guess.