
Friday, December 15, 2023

Why I Want To Go - Avalon Questing 2

Written by Kyra “Omri” Barry

This Saturday the mists part, letting curious minds and adventurous hearts see beyond the veil into the mythical lands of Avalon, resplendent with quests in the lands of Fae. From something rotten plaguing a friend’s home to miner seeking aid in the depths, and not to be missed are the lands of Tír na nÓg.

This event series contains quests from veteran plot runners Hillary and Eric, of Sir Tara and Sir Magus Rosetta fame respectively, as well as up and coming newbie plot runner Jay of Odd (pronounced Ode) fame!

Fittingly, the event is going to be run Arthurian style, where players at minimum NPC for one plot and PC the rest. If you so choose you may NPC all. None is not an option that I can see, but in the wonderful world of our game NPCing is such a vital aspect of play and is rewarding and fun to do. Personally I’m NPCing for Jay’s plot because he put out the call, and said that NPCs can be creatures. As much as I like being a person, sometimes I just want to go apeshit without consequence.

The other ones are in just as much need of NPCs! Maybe. Find out by showing up and seeing what the marshals need. You may be wondering how much it’ll cost to attend such a wondrous and enchanting event, to which I say it’ll be free for WPI students (hello if you’re reading this), and 5 dollars for others. Not the most expensive event I’ve been to.

Jay’s section starts promptly at 11, be sure to be there or else you’re square-ly out of luck! Things seem to be moving quickly into the start and if you’re not with the group you might not be able to be properly started with the questing party. It’s sure to be exciting, fighting help save Odd’s home from mysterious rot that plagues it.

Hillary has been one of the ones at the forefront of getting more Fae plot into the Realms again. Whether this is part of a larger plot or part of the general world building of miscellaneous fae activities that might occur is yet to be seen.

Either way I’m excited as all heck to see what’s in store! Most importantly I’m excited to take a break from my life and the blues that come with these dreary months for some action and excitement! As with all of these “why I want to go”s that I do, I look forward to seeing and hanging out with my friends. Even if we’re all pretending to be someone/thing else.