
Friday, January 19, 2024

Player's Meeting and Community Forum Announcement

Hear ye, hear ye Realmsonians,

It’s that time of year again where the Players Meeting and Event Holders Council are right around the corner.  In particular, the Players Meeting is set to take place on February 3rd, just over two weeks away, via Zoom.  As a reminder, any person who attended a legal event in the last calendar year is eligible to attend and vote at the Players Meeting.  The meeting will open at 10:30am, we will go over an outline and handle any process questions at 10:45am, and then hopefully dive into the work of the day no later than 11am.  During this meeting we will review and vote on proposals to send forward to the Event Holders Council occurring two weeks later.  There will also be a vote to select two representatives (they cannot already be eligible to vote at the EHC) to attend the Event Holders Council, a primary and backup.  The primary representative will be able vote and both are able to voice opinions and accept amendments on behalf of those unable to attend the meeting.  A two thirds majority of voting attendees is required for proposals to pass on to the EHC.

As for those proposals, they may be submitted on Realmsnet anytime between now and the Players Meeting, and even during the Players Meeting.  We will be cutting off new proposals once we start nearing the end of the meeting if we are running up against a time constraint.  There are already a plethora of proposals on Realmsnet ( to review.  We highly recommend that if you plan on attending the meeting you familiarize yourself with the proposals and ask any questions or make any comments you may have on draft proposals to help move this process along when we get to the meeting.  During the meeting we will require amendments to have complete and finalize wording before they can be accepted, so if you have something in mind you would like to suggest, we again recommend doing so before the meeting, or at least having succinct and clear wording ready ahead of time.  Proposals that need work can be tabled to the end of the meeting, but if they are not ready by the time we get to them they will be dropped.

Our rules require that ALL proposals are legal proposals to be voted on, and we will be very strict about this during the meeting due to the number of proposals it looks like we may see.  You can find the rules for submitting proposals in section 8.1 of the Omnibus, but the requirement on what the proposal must contain we want to stress is this; “the exact wording to be added, removed, or modified within the Omnibus or Standing Policies, along with the section to be modified.”  “The OEC can figure it out,” is not an acceptable reason to push forward a proposal that does not meet these requirements.

Finally, in an attempt to help keep the meeting moving smoothly and briskly we will be hosting a Community Forum one week before the Players Meeting on Friday, January 26th at 7:30 via Zoom.  This will be a place to help workshop your proposals and to work out any minutia as well as reviewing any of the larger proposals if we have time.  We will make a Google form available before the meeting if you are interested in workshopping your proposal as well as if you’re interested in having your proposal discussed ahead of time.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to either Pat or Tucker via discord or email us at